BAPTISM is the first of the Mysteries (Sacraments) of the Church to be received. It opens the doors to the Christian Faith and to the other Mysteries (Sacraments). Without Baptism, none of the other Mysteries (Sacraments) of the Church could ever be received.
Godparents must also be responsibly chosen by the parents. The Church teaches that they must “help the Baptized person lead a Christian life in harmony with Baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligations connected with it.”
Regarding the choosing of Godparents- The Catholic Church insists that parish priests be sure:
____I want my child to receive the Mystery (Sacrament) of Baptism and realize it is my responsibility to raise him/her in the Faith by word and example.
____I am a registered member of my parish church.
____I attend the Divine Liturgy at my parish church regularly.
____I use my offering envelopes to contribute to the financial need of the parish.
____The Godparents of my child are practicing Catholics (one may be Orthodox).
____If the Godparents are not practicing members of my parish, I have received letters of good standing from their parish priests.
____Both Godparents are at least 18 years of age.
____I understand that the Mystery of Chrism (Sacrament of Confirmation) will also be celebrated at the time of the Baptism and will be sure that my child will not be Confirmed again when he/she is older.
Remember to schedule your appointment with the priest at least three weeks in advance.
Saint Sharbel Maronite Catholic Church
14 Reeve St, Somerset, NJ 08873, US